This week was a busy week. We had some happy moments and we had some scary ones too

This Friday was my mommy's birthday. So we planned to have a fun weekend with all us girls. I am glad my mommy wanted to around for her special day. We had a lot of fun.
Me with mommy.
Pebbles, mommy and me.
Like I said we had some scary moments too. This Sunday we almost lost my sister. My mommy rushed Pebbles to the vet because she was acting sick and her rib and stomach area was getting larger. It turns out that my sister had bloat. They said her x-rays showed a 360 flip. She had to get surgery. Luckily her stomach flipped back on its own. The doctors attached the stomach to the wall so it can not flip again. Today Pebbles came home. She's doing good. I am giving her some space so she can rest. I am so happy she is better and I can have more time with my big sister. I love my big sister, Pebbles. She's the best.
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